
We not only create stunning logos, brands, ads, posts, flyers, graphics and layouts of all kinds - but we make sure to do it with your end goal in-mind.


A good marketing strategy is critical. From messaging to analytics, budgeting to media buys - we will help you develop a plan that drives long-term results.


Whether you need a brand new site or a site overhaul - we work with you to make sure you not only look great but your customers have the right experience.

Why 115?

One Fifteen Creative was opened its doors in January 2022.  Owner, Rebecca Waterfall has over 15 years of graphic design, advertising and marketing experience in New York City and the USVI.  One Fifteen Creative believes in customizing solutions for every client and we spend time getting to know our customers to truly understand the near and long-term goals of their business.  

We specialize in full-service, online marketing focused around user-experience. We operate around the understanding that a website is a foundation which needs to be built to support future growth as well as a connecting hub for all marketing activity. We develop a unique strategy for each client using online marketing services including social media, email automation, remarketing, SEO, Google analytics, ads & more.